Final Reflections - Krista Breiteneder
I am so grateful for the experiences I’ve had during this group study program. Being able to visit the actual historical sites I have been studying was incredible and a truly unique learning experience. With anthropology as my major, the opportunity to live within and observe another culture was something I had desperately yearned for and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. I spend most of my life frustrated that this is all that I get, that I’m only ever going to experience the world as me. The reason why I chose to study anthropology was because I felt that learning about other ways of being was the only way I could enrich my own being. I’m beginning to realize how much that was a result of, rather than out of love for other peoples or the world around me, a desire to lose myself in something else. It was completely life changing for me to realize that there were so many times on this trip that I was grateful to be experiencing things as me. Especially at Koryu...